Parent Resources

A Message from our Administration

At Landstown we believe in the power of relationships, and the subsequent positive impact on your child's growth and achievement. We look forward to working with you all in order to reach our goal of student success and academic growth. Feel free to stop by and have lunch with your child during their scheduled lunch time, we would love to see you.

Parent Reminders

  • Identification

    Please ensure you have ID each time you come to school. ID is needed when picking up your student as well as for identification purposes anytime you are entering the building.

  • Wednesday Folders

    When students have information coming home to share you will see the info in their Landstown Elementary "Wednesday Folder." This folder is used as a way for communication to go back and forth from the classroom to home. We thank you in advance for checking for this folder every Wednesday in the event we have sent information home.

  • Communication with Teachers/Staff

    In the event that you need to send an email to a VBCPS staff member, there must be a subject in the email or the email will not be delivered to that staff member. We ask that you use the subject line of emails to our staff as a way to alert us as to the nature of the email. Thank you for ensuring that we are receiving all email communication.

  • Student Dismissal Policy

    Please refer to the student dismissal policy that is sent home at the beginning of every school year. In order to maintain a safe and organized dismissal procedure, there is a 2:15pm cutoff time for dismissal changes. If you are aware that you will be changing your students dismissal, the best thing to do is to email any transportation change to Mrs. Askew: and alert the teacher by sending a note.

  • Medication

    Our school nurse, Mrs. Moye, is able to give medication to your student if needed here in our clinic. It is not allowed for students to bring in their own medication. Parents must deliver any medication (over the counter or prescription) to the school nurse, Mrs. Moye, so that she can ensure the health and safety of our students. Thank you!

  • Food in Schools

    VBCPS has guidelines regarding food in schools for celebrations, birthdays, etc. Please see the link below for the most recent guidelines.

    Food and Beverage Guidelines

  • Student Birthdays

    You can order directly from the school cafeteria! Our cafeteria manager, Cathy Stephens, will take out the special treats to your child's lunch table to share with the class and they will all sing Happy Birthday! It is fun for everyone. This information is on the VBCPS website under Food Services. However, if you want to bring in your own birthday treats, this linked form should be filled out two days prior to bringing in store bought treats.

  • Lunch Programs

    As a reminder, we do participate with the free and reduced lunch program. If you have questions about the Free and Reduced application, please call the main office at 757-648-2880 and someone will assist you. Thank you!

  • School Volunteers

    Last year we logged over 225 volunteer hours. We have switched to a new volunteer platform and need to rebuild our contact database. We would love to have your help this year at LES!

    To volunteer, complete this annual application and begin signing up for opportunities. If you have any questions, please contact Mallory Lutz in our main office.

  • Staff Member Shout Out

    Is there a teacher or other staff member that you feel is making a difference with your child? If so, please send a brief write up to our Principal, Ms. Godfrey, ( highlighting what makes that individual so special. We want to recognize when staff members are making an impact with your child and we would love to involve our parents in that process.

    This has been very well received by the staff! Thank you to all of the parents that have emailed with a staff shout out. Please keep them coming!

PTA Meetings